Here I keep a collection of quotes, drawn mostly from the Stoic tradition, and my own reflections on essential categories. These memory aids, known as hypomnemata, were valued by the ancient Greeks and Romans as a means of honing one’s rhetorical skills and sharpening one’s understanding of the world.

It is said that all that is worth saying has already been said by the ancient philosophers, and I find this to be true. Indeed, even the great Montaigne was known to draw heavily from the works of others (here is one example).

In accordance with Seneca’s advice to constantly return to one’s favored sources, I save here the quotes and reflections that I wish to revisit in the future. And at times, I find myself struck by a thought, no doubt influenced by my readings, which I wish to preserve. In such cases, I put Montaigne’s hat on and save it here as well.

I maintain this site, formatted in the style of a contemporary blog (for which we also owe Montaigne :wink:), as a means of personal reference, and find revisiting these quotes and reflections far more beneficial and satisfying than indulging in the daily news or social media.

But if you have stumbled upon this site, I welcome you to peruse its contents at your leisure. It would please me to know that someone finds value or enjoyment in my hypomnemata.